
Showing posts from November, 2023


    "MY JOURNEY IN THE FIELD OF MEDICINE"  Hey there!! This is P.Khyathi , currently doing my internship in Kamineni institute of medical sciences.  I am sincerely grateful to the Department of Medicine for imparting a wealth of knowledge and skills during my time of study.  My journey in the Medicine Department has been transformative, equipping me with valuable insights, skills, and a deepened understanding of the medical field.  I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Head of the  Department and PG's and my seniors  for their unwavering support and guidance, which has played a pivotal role in my learning and professional growth.  I have posted in the department of medicine from September 2023 to November 2023 and here are the key learnings I've gained during my posting.  Case scenario 1 :  This is a case of 63yr old female came with the complaints of continuous urine dribbling since

Self reflective writing on their medical student career .

 Self reflective writing on their medical student career   I AM P.KHYATHI Of the 2018 batch presently an INTERN. This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients' problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts to solve those patients' clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based information. This E blog also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable input in the comment box is welcome.  This is P.Khyathi, posted in the medicine department , when I saw this case it was our OP day and patient presented with the  complaints of fever,cough since 1 months and difficulty in breathing since 2 days  HOPI :  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back and then

General Medicine Internship OSCEs Towards Optimizing Clinical Complexity

 This online E-log Entry Blog is an objectively structured clinical examination method to assess the clinical competence during the course of my General Medicine Internship rotation (october'2023-november'2023) by reviewing the case reports shared below and to discuss, understand and review the clinical scenarios and data analysis of patients so as to develop my clinical competency in comprehending clinical cases, and providing evidence-based inputs for questions surrounding the clinical vignettes borrowed from the E Log Book. Note: The cases have been shared after taking consent from the patient/guardian. All names and other identifiers have been removed to secure and respect the privacy of the patient and the family CASE SCENARIO: A 65 year old female, resident of west bengal and belonging to middle class according to modified kuppuswamy scale presented to the general medicine OPD with chief complaints of: -continuous dribbling of urine since the past 4 years - constipation s