Hey there!! This is P.Khyathi , currently doing my internship in Kamineni institute of medical sciences. 

I am sincerely grateful to the Department of Medicine for imparting a wealth of knowledge and skills during my time of study. 

My journey in the Medicine Department has been transformative, equipping me with valuable insights, skills, and a deepened understanding of the medical field. 

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Head of the  Department and PG's and my seniors  for their unwavering support and guidance, which has played a pivotal role in my learning and professional growth. 

I have posted in the department of medicine from September 2023 to November 2023 and here are the key learnings I've gained during my posting. 

Case scenario 1 : 

This is a case of 63yr old female came with the complaints of continuous urine dribbling since 4years and a k/c/o RA since 26yrs , k/c/o HTN since 20yrs and diagnosied with DM-2 after admitting in our hospital 

My learning points from this case : 

- "COMMUNICATION" - Patient is from Bengal .At first I could not properly interact with them to know how and what happened to her how this all started . My HOD helped me with this barrier and he took me to patient during the rounds and helped me get through this case . 

I feel Communication between a doctor and a patient is crucial when it involves active listening, clear explanations, and an open dialogue. Effective communication ensures that medical information is accurately conveyed, the patient understands their condition and treatment options, and any concerns or questions are addressed promptly. 

- For the c/o continuous dribbling of urine we've done UROFLOWMETRY and also learned how the machine actually works 



"It was truly captivating to witness the intricacies of how the machine operates." 

- "Providing a comprehensive explanation of the treatment to the patient."

-During the discharge of the patient we assured the patient that life style changes and few physical activities and regular mediation can improve the condition of the patient . 

- We even have a group in the WhatsApp so that even after the discharge we can be updated about the patient condition. Patient aks her doubts  and this is how still we can communicate with the patient after the discharge. 

Case scenario 2 : 

This is the case I had seen during my OP duty . 

My learning points through this case : 

-After taking the detailed history we had explained about the condition  asked the patient for the admission and then we shifted the patient to AMC 

Here, based on the condition of the patient we have to prioritise the need of care to be provided 

- Continuous monitoring : 

As patient is complaining of fever we've charted a graph hourly - this kind of plotting helps us to analyse the condition of the patient i.e whether the treatment is being appropriate or not . 

This is an example on how we plot fever chart : 

- Infusion set operating : 

As our patient was going into Hypotension we have started him on Nor adrenaline infusion and we have monitored hourly and according to the BP readings we tapered the dosage of Nor adrenaline.  

Case scenario 3 : 

Case scenario 4 :  

I have them posted in NEPHROLOGY for next 5days

- During this period I have learned about the mechanism how the dialysis is done . 

My learning points : 

- Indications of dialysis -  

A- Acidosis 

E- Electrolyte abnormalities (hyperkalemia)

I- Intoxication of drugs

O- overload of fluid 

U- Uremic encephalopathy  

-During my ICU duties : 

* I have assisted in the central line procedure, contributing to tasks such as preparing the patient, assisting with sterile draping, and handling necessary equipment under supervision."

* I have given CPR (CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION) to revive the patient 

- Indications of CPR : 

Main indication is check for pulse and breathing - absence of both - start CPR 

CPR includes : 30 compressions , 2 breathes 

During compression we have to give time for chest recoil , depth should be 2 inches/ 5 cms . 

"I experienced a profound sense of pride after successfully reviving a patient through CPR. This accomplishment significantly boosted my confidence in my professional abilities and reaffirmed my commitment to making a positive impact in healthcare."

* I have put ryles tube  (Naso gastric tube) in the supervision of our PG.

*I have done foley's catheterization under aseptic conditions. 

* I have taken ABG samples 

"During my medicine internship, I acquired a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge. This includes : 

 - Clinical assessments 

- Effective patient communication

- Hands-on experience in various medical procedures

- Interpreting diagnostic tests 

"I extend my sincere gratitude to the Medicine Department for their invaluable guidance and teaching throughout my internship. The wealth of knowledge and skills imparted has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of medicine, and I am truly appreciative of the opportunities for learning and growth provided." 

Thanking you, 

Yours sincerely, 

Dr.P.Khyathi (Intern ,KIMS , Narketpalli) 


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